things to all people, no matter how disparate their interests and
objectives may be. President Barack Obama campaigned on the idea of
change; the underlying hope of the potential for change from
theObama's 10-Year Budget Proposal "business as usual" in Washington
was the message I believe brought voters to the polls.
On February 26, 2008, President Obama gave the nation yet another
glimpse of not only how he envisioned changing the way business is
usually done, but how he is actually going about making those changes
a reality when he truthfully revealed his first budget for the U.S.
while in office.
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The president was candid—he didn't tell the nation
what they wanted to hear, but he told them what they needed to
hear—and his budget reflected items that his predecessor kept on
separate books, so to speak, including funding of the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan as noted by, among other major line items.
President Obama outlined a 10-year budget plan that includes his
pledge to halve the budget deficit by 2013. He and the nation face a
tight-rope walk with the current economy. Refreshingly, the president
gave the information straight on the chin.
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For every change that is
desired, there are choices to be made and costs to be incurred—that's
the way it is in the real world. As individuals, we face these
realities every day when we choose whether or not to purchase a new
car, whether this week we will eat bologna or steak, or even if we can
afford to refill our prescriptions.
For the first time in a very long time, it feels as if Washington and
each citizen of the U.S. is in this situation together. It's not a
pretty place to be, but it is together that as a nation we have the
greatest strengths.
The proposed budget must first, of course, make it through Congress.
It's time for each of us to examine the president's proposals and
write our senators and representatives to let them know what we do and
do not support about the budget so they canObama's 10-Year Budget
Proposal act accordingly. That is how a democracy is supposed to work
and finally, American citizens have someone in the most powerful
position in the nation who is leading by example.