Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So where does America stand right now

I find myself in a situation that many of you may be facing yourself. I'm a college student working hard to make ends meet. But with the changing economy I continually worry about what may become of my fellow classmates and I after we graduate and have to get our lives rolling. Luckily I feel that my career path with allow me to get by if the economy stays on the course it is on now. But what of other graduates that find out that what they had a passion for and spent a great deal of time and money learning will not allow them to pay their bills.

What I see around me, at least in the low-level hourly jobs most of my friends have, is people getting the same amount of pay, minimal if any raises, and cut hours. I may not be an economist but I think this brings our economy down further. When the country's citizens have more expensive bills to pay, but find themselves with barely enough to get by, they will not be able to recycle more money back into the economy. To stimulate the economy, large corporations do not need billions of dollars, this money needs to be dispersed to U.S. citizens. And this should not be done by income but merely by citzenship. A figure I found as of today placed the total U.S. bailouts at $2.56 trillion or almost $25,000 per houshold.

Perhaps this money should not be sent away to greedy fatcats at the head of these corporations and instead given to the struggling Americans hoping to be able to put food on their table this week. With the money these familes can turn around and spend it, which in essence is giving the money to these corporations but in a way that eliminates the greed of the company. This sort of reminds me a bit of Darwinism, only the best corporation survives and in this case the ones America actually needs would certainly do that. Life's little pleasures have certainly made the United States a wonderful place to live, but they have also turned us into a society centered around greed and elitism.

So where does America stand right now? No one has money except for the large corporations who are merely spending it on themselves. So no one can buy anything leaving the economy in a standstill. And the problem fails to fix itself and may even be getting worse. In a rather long and drawn out way I'm trying to approach my reproach for moving forward with my life and living away from home. It's not a worry about whether I could manage physically and emotionally, but whether I know I could be financially stable. With the current economic downturn I worry that being able to pay the bills and still have a little pocket change now, may leave me in the hole and force me to come crawling back to my mother asking for money.

What if gas decides to ricochet back to over $4 a gallon and everything else decides to rise with it again even though most items have not returned to their original prices yet. Yes I feel I have a decent paying job for a college student and work a second job on top of that, but I still barely make it.

I know there are other like me out there that can't help but worry about whether things will get any better with the economy, so please let me know your opinion on the situation.

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