Monday, November 17, 2008


In our current workplace today, there are a variety of people with whom we interact with. From the highest rank to the lowest, the oldest to the youngest, people from all different departments and of different years of experience, it is almost impossible to please everyone or get into their good books all the time. This article breaks them into 4 broad categories and teaches you how to generally deal with each of them so that even if you are not the apple-of-everyone's-eye, at least you would not be the target board for insults, extra duties and behind-the-back talk.

The Old or Experienced Folks

Believe or not, sometimes you enter a company fresh but are ranked above people who have been there for ages. There might be a simmering resentment boiling within those staff against you for jumping the gun. More often than not, they would pounce at every chance to test your abilities and your patience. The key to gain their favour is to recognise their longstanding service and to find as much opportunity to affirm them for their work.

A great way to do so is to learn from them at every opportunity at your job and commend them for their expertise. They would feel appreciated in what they do and at the same time, you get to learn the tricks of the trade. In a way, you would gain their respect for your humility even when you are more senior in rank. If played out well, the respect will be reciprocal.

The Energetic and Ambitious Youths

Brash, reckless and overly ambitious. Or sometimes, timid, quiet and antisocial. Young entrants usually display extreme behaviours in a new working environment. The most important thing they seek is careful guidance at the start of their career. If you are able to convince them that what you say and do are focused on them and their career, these people will look up to you and continually seek you for advice. More often than not, they need encouragement and support. Render them these and in the future if they do succeed and supersede you in rank, you can be sure that some of them will pull you up with them.

The Most Junior Staff
Do not underestimate the significance of this group of people. They can range from your office cleaners to the admininstration staff that does your simple paper work. The grapevine is the most pervasive when it reaches this group. Whilst top-down feedback imposes authority and determines your measured success in your career ladder, it is the bottom-up feedback that builds the momentum of what others think of you as a capable or nice person (of which such feedback would permeate up to the top). This group of people channels bottom-up feedback.

For all the work they do, they are more often than not taken for granted. Give them due respect plus a little bit more and you win them to your side. Sometimes, you would never know what other kinds of help you would need from them besides paperwork.

The Towering Ones Above

This group is one that most people are focused upon and yet, people mess up by playing the game the wrong way. Apple-polishing or boot-licking are outdated ways of pleasing your boss. And true bosses see through the facade easily. The best way to get to them is to do it indirectly. Whilst being capable captures the eyes of the top bosses, it is the opinions of others of you that seals their impression of you.

The best way to get to a boss is to be a good boss (or rather, a leader) to your peers. If he sees himself in you, the chances of you climbing are higher. More so if others affirm your abilities in front of him without your intervention. Such endorsement of your capability will surely bring you to new heights.

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